Schottegat Zuid

For our second urban guerilla project, 25 Samanea saman trees will be planted along 400 meters of the Schottegatweg Zuid together with Cassia oligophylla, a lovely shrub with blueish leaves and rich yellow flowers that thrives in dry climates.

The saman tree is no stranger in Curaçao, but is not as popular as its sibling known as Barb’i yònkuman (Albizia Lebbek). The saman grows into large ornamental and shade trees with a large, spreading, dome-shaped crown to 30 meters.

We hope this project can provide much needed shade along the highway and inspire more people to plant big trees. 


Get a better picture of our project planning below from start to finish. 

Animal Sanctuary

Bee Favorite

Strong Branches

Beautiful Flowers

Benefits of Samanea Saman


A decoction of the inner bark and fresh leaves is used as a treatment for diarrhea. A brew of small sections of the bark is taken to treat stomach-ache. A crude aqueous or alcoholic extract of the leaves is observed to have an inhibiting effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The alkaloid fraction of the leaves is effective on the CNS and PNS. An infusion of the leaves is used as a laxative. The fruit decoction is used as a CNS-sedative. The seeds are chewed for treating a sore throat.

Animal Feed

The mesocarp of the pod of S. saman contains a sweet nutritious pulp which smells of honey when the pods are broken.

Containing 12-18% crude protein and highly digestible (40% digestibility), the pods are a good source of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals for livestock.


The sticky sweet-flavoured pulp of the pods is often eaten by children and can be used in fruit drinks.

The wood of S. saman is strong, very durable, with a light yellow sapwood and rich dark chocolate-brown heartwood.

The rich color and beautiful grain of the heartwood, makes it highly prized for furniture, panelling, decorative veneers, turnery, platters, and other handicrafts.


Quisque vitae dapibus leo. Morbi dictum, lectus ut scelerisque mattis, eros lacus mollis metus, nec vulputate sem est non elit. Curabitur rutrum vestibulum vehicula. in tortor est. 

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Schottegatweg Zuid Motorcycle Monument

February 2, 2020

6:00 AM

Check out our volunteer checklist to make sure you are all set for the big day!

Special thanks to our contributors:
