Pilot Project SBND

A total of 8 Acacia sieberiana trees have been planted (3 additional trees still pending) on the SBN Doormanweg as part of our efforts and vision to make our urban areas greener.

After an initial test period of one year, A. sieberiana proved to be the most suitable tree for this project due to its drought tolerance, beneficial properties, fast growth, and diverse range of animals it hosts.

We hope this project can serve as an eye opener to the government and others who only use palm trees in urban landscape projects.

Why Acacia Sieberiana?

Other than being a beautiful ornamental tree, it is also very drought tolerant, fast growing and a nitrogen fixing tree.

Below, the range of benefits this tree can offer us.


The bark, leaves and gums are used to treat tapeworm, bilharzia, haemorrhage, orchitis, colds, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, kidney problems, syphilis, ophthalmia, rheumatism and disorders of the circulatory system.

It is also used as an astringent. The pods serve as an emollient, and the roots for stomach-ache, acne, tapeworms, urethral problems, oedema and dropsy.

Animal Sanctuary

This tree is a favorite nesting site for many birds. birds often scratch around under the loose bark for insects and crack the pods open and eat the seeds.

The flowers lure beetles, bees, butterflies and thrips, in turn attracting insectivorous birds.

Flowers are good bee forage, and hives are often placed on the trees


The tree yields an edible gum of good quality that has been used to make ink.

While the pods also contain tannin to make ink, they are not edible.


To see growth progress, use the blue leaf icon to swipe between the two pictures. 

Picture 1: Dec 20, 2019.
Picture 2: Jan 2, 2020.

DAY 13